Tasogare Update #3

This is what I’ve got so far for my prologue chapter. I will be on a hiatus till the half-yearly exams are over so I won’t be working on this for a while. I do hope that this chapter do have the panicky, suspense feeling I’m trying to get across. It’s sad that it’s cut off at the most crucial bit! Oh well, be back in 3 weeks?


The sky had turned a gloomy grey, it was just past dusk. The weather was unusually cold for spring; a gust of strong wind blew up the abandoned newspapers across the road. A lone girl hurried down the street, eager to get home before it turns completely dark. She stopped abruptly at an intersection. Presented to her were two options. Choosing to turn left into the small, shadowy alleyway means shorter travelling distance but she will be travelling in darkness. Choosing to keep going straight down the main road means that she will be walking under the streetlights but she will have to walk for longer. She hesitated and looked at her watch: 5.30pm. A sudden blast of cold air blew into her face. Shivering and blinking her sore eyes, she quickly turned and walked down the alleyway.

The girl pulled her jacket around her tighter as she trudged along the shadowy lane. Her footsteps echoed loudly against the bare, grimy walls as she walked. She quickened her pace, wanting to get out of this eerie, chilling passage as soon as possible. Suddenly she stopped. Sensing another’s presence behind her, slightly scared, the girl whirled around. No one. She quickly turned back and quickened her pace to a brisk walk. Then she saw it: another set of shadows, following right behind her. Yet she can hear no footsteps. Terrified and paranoid, she walked faster. The shadow kept her pace. She finally plucked up her courage and turned her head. But there was no one behind her at all! By this time the girl was hysterical. She broke into a mad run. The shadow reappeared again, following her easily and keeping up with her. But again she heard no footsteps at all. The girl, panicking, screamed for help as she ran.

Suddenly, the girl’s foot slipped. She tripped and fell hard onto her hands and grazing them. Trickle of warm blood flowed from her wound. Clutching her injured hands, she quickly picked herself up. Not daring to look behind her, she tore away, hoping to lose her stalker. She had only taken a few steps before feeling herself getting caught in a pair of strong, hard arms and thrown violently against the wall. She would have dropped to the floor, winded, if she hadn’t been pinned against the walls by her attacker. She lifted her dazed head and gasped as she stared at the face of her assailant…

~ by PhantomBlaze on May 16, 2008.

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